
Celeste Senés directora i propietària de Coespai, ha acollit la emprenedora Italiana Meryame Benmokhchane, que ha estat 4 mesos a Girona aprenent sobre com funciona un coworking, sobre les necessitats dels treballadors i les seves eines de comunicació.

Meryame ha dit: “ With Celeste, I had the opportunity to learn a lot about her work, the management of Coworking, to be able to help her in the realization of a project and to compare ourselves on the different realities that are present in Italy”


A més assegura que continuaran tenint contacte: “Surely we will keep in touch with Celeste in the future, a good relationship has been created and I have been able to learn a lot from her”.

L’intercanvi ha estat tot un èxit i ha estat organitzat per la Cambra de Comerç de Girona, soci del consorci SGE-SMEs Growing in Europe.

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